Jesus-Says Blog

Understanding Tithing: A Biblical Perspective

Greetings to all who seek wisdom and understanding from the Word of God. I’m Lori Ann Moeszinger with the Guardians of Biblical Truth, and today we delve deep into a topic that’s essential yet often misunderstood in Christian circles—tithing. This subject isn’t just about money; it’s about faith, obedience, and our relationship with God. As we explore this theme, I invite you to open your Bibles and hearts to God’s teachings.

The Concept of Tithing

Tithing, at its core, involves giving a portion of our earnings back to God. The term “tithe” originates from the Old Testament and refers to giving ten percent of one’s income to the Lord. But does this ancient practice apply to modern Christians?

Biblical Foundations of Tithing

The principle of tithing predates Mosaic Law. Abraham, the father of faith, offered tithes to Melchizedek (Genesis 14:20). Jacob also vowed to give a tenth of everything God gave him (Genesis 28:20–22). These instances illustrate tithing as an act of worship and gratitude towards God, not merely a religious obligation.

Tithing Under the Law

In the Old Testament, under Mosaic Law, tithing was part of Israel’s theocratic system. It involved not just the regular tithe but also additional offerings and contributions for festivals and charity (Deuteronomy 12, 14; Leviticus 27). This system underlined the importance of supporting religious and communal needs.

Tithing in the New Testament

In the New Testament, Jesus commends tithing (Matthew 23:23), not as a legalistic requirement, but as a practice in line with justice, mercy, and faith. The Apostle Paul, in 2 Corinthians 9:6–15, emphasizes giving generously and cheerfully, aligning with the spirit of tithing.

Are Christians Required to Tithe?

This question sparks much debate. While the New Testament doesn’t explicitly command tithing, it upholds the principles of generosity and stewardship. Paul’s teachings in 2 Corinthians 9:6–15, while contextually about a special offering, also apply to the broader concept of giving in the life of a believer.

Giving as an Act of Worship

Giving, in the Christian context, isn’t a mere financial transaction; it’s an act of worship and a testament to our trust in God’s provision. As we give, we acknowledge that everything we have comes from God.

The Purpose of Blessing

God blesses us not to increase our material wealth but to enable us to be a blessing to others (2 Corinthians 9:11). Our generosity reflects God’s character and furthers His kingdom on earth.

The Role of Heart

The amount we give is less important than the condition of our hearts. A heart aligned with God’s desires to give generously, reflecting God’s generosity towards us.

Practical Application

Tithing in the Local Church

While Malachi 3:10 is often used to advocate for tithing to the local church, its historical context pre-dates the establishment of the church. However, supporting your local church is a crucial aspect of Christian stewardship and community building.

Beyond the Local Church

As believers blessed by God, our generosity should extend beyond our local congregations. Supporting missions, charities, and other ministries aligns with the principle of tithing as a means of furthering God’s work globally.

Stewardship and Accountability

Every believer is called to steward their resources wisely. This includes being discerning about where and how we give, ensuring our contributions align with God’s purposes and are used effectively.


In conclusion, while the New Testament may not mandate tithing in the way the Old Testament did, the spirit of generosity and stewardship it embodies remains. As Christians, our approach to money and possessions should reflect our commitment to God. By giving generously, we demonstrate our trust in God’s provision and our desire to use our resources for His glory.

Let’s close in prayer, asking God to guide our hearts and hands in matters of giving, that we may truly reflect His generosity and love in our lives.


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