Jesus-Says Blog

The Law of Proportion: Why Bible Prophecy Matters

Today, my dear friends, we are diving into a subject that is often overlooked and underestimated: Bible prophecy. More specifically, we’ll explore the law of proportion and why it magnifies the importance of Bible prophecy in our lives. You see, the law of proportion is a simple yet profound principle that allows us to discern the significance of a subject in Scripture by examining how much attention is given to it. So, let’s embark on this theological and intellectual journey to understand why Bible prophecy is one of the most crucial subjects in the Bible.

The Reluctance to Preach Prophecy

Before we delve into the depth of this topic, let’s address a common issue among preachers—the reluctance to preach on Bible prophecy. Many avoid it because they feel intimidated or insufficiently educated on the subject. I’ve witnessed this firsthand during my years in church. However, I want to encourage you not to shy away from prophecy but rather embrace it as a vital aspect of our faith.

The Law of Proportion

To comprehend the significance of Bible prophecy, let’s begin by looking at the numbers. The Bible consists of 31,124 verses, with the Old Testament being longer than the New Testament. In the Old Testament, there are 1,239 predictions spanning 6,641 verses out of a total of 23,210, which accounts for 28.5 percent of the Old Testament being prophecy. In the New Testament, there are 578 predictions within 1,711 verses out of 7,914, making up 21.5 percent of the New Testament. In total, a staggering 27 percent of the entire Bible is prophecy.

Additionally, there are 737 distinct prophetic topics in the Bible. Among these, 333 prophecies pertain to the first coming of Christ. However, only 109 of these were fulfilled during His initial arrival, leaving 224 prophecies to be fulfilled at His second coming.

The Abundance of Prophecy

Now, let’s consider the sheer volume of references to the Lord’s coming in the New Testament—over 300 references scattered throughout its 260 chapters. In fact, approximately one out of every 30 verses in the New Testament speaks of the Lord’s return. This is not a matter of debate; these are factual numbers, and they vividly illustrate the importance of Bible prophecy.

The Emphasis on Prophecy by Jesus

Furthermore, let’s examine how Jesus Himself emphasized His second coming. He referred to His return in detail on 21 different occasions. In the Old Testament, there are a remarkable 1,527 passages that speak of the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Understanding the Covenant

Now, you may wonder how Bible prophecy relates to our covenant in Christ. It’s crucial to remember that our covenant began at the Cross of Jesus Christ, and our doctrine should align with this new covenant. This differentiation between the Old and New Testaments is vital in understanding various aspects of our faith, such as divine healing.

Divine Healing Example

For instance, consider divine healing. Our understanding of this doctrine should begin with the understanding that divine healing, as part of our covenant in Christ, commenced at the Cross. We must not blend Old Testament principles indiscriminately with the New Testament. The entire book of Hebrews emphasizes the replacement of the old covenant with a better covenant through Christ. Therefore, our doctrine should be rooted in the life and teachings of Christ, as everything about Jesus represents the will of God precisely.

Applying this principle to divine healing, we can clearly see that Jesus was never sick, didn’t inflict sickness on anyone, and never attributed sickness to God’s will. He didn’t withhold healing from those who came to Him in faith. This example underscores the importance of aligning our beliefs with the life and ministry of Christ.

The Law of Proportion Revisited

In conclusion, let’s revisit the law of proportion and its application to Bible prophecy. People are exhorted to be ready for the return of Jesus Christ over 50 times in the Bible. When we apply this principle to the numbers and references we’ve explored today, it becomes evident that Bible prophecy is not a peripheral topic but a crucial aspect of our faith.

Incorporate Prophecy into Your Teaching

I urge you not to be intimidated by Bible prophecy. Instead, embrace it and study it diligently. Incorporate it into your teaching because, as we’ve seen, prophecy is undeniably significant in Scripture. It serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us of Christ’s imminent return and the fulfillment of God’s promises.

As we navigate the complexities of the world, let us remember that heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s Word will never pass away. So, let us anchor our faith in the truths of Bible prophecy and be prepared for the glorious return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

In His Service,

Guardians of Biblical Truth


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