Jesus-Says Blog

Mysteries of the Book of Revelation: 5 Keys to Interpretation

Greetings, my friends, and welcome to this exploration of the book of Revelation. I have been receiving numerous questions from individuals who are understandably perplexed, even fearful, when it comes to reading and interpreting this profound and enigmatic book. The book of Revelation can indeed be challenging, but fear not, for today I am here to provide you with five key principles that will help you as a student of the Scriptures.

These principles not only apply to the book of Revelation but can serve as a foundation for your study of the entire Bible. Whether you are a new believer or a seasoned Christian, it is crucial to understand the guardrails that guide us in reading, understanding, and interpreting Scripture correctly.

Let’s delve right into these five essential keys that will unlock the treasures of the book of Revelation:

Key #1: Humility and Teachability

The first and foremost key to approaching the book of Revelation is with an attitude of humility. This book can be challenging, but humility in our study is the foundation upon which everything else is built. It’s essential to recognize that we don’t have all the answers, and that’s okay. The book of Revelation requires a spirit of teachability, a willingness to learn, and an openness to being corrected when necessary.

In the midst of your study, remember the promise found in Revelation 1:3: “God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and he blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says for the time is near.” Embrace the supernatural blessing promised to those who diligently study the book of Revelation with a humble heart.

Key #2: Interpretation Must Be Literal

When it comes to interpreting the book of Revelation, or any biblical text, it is crucial to take a literal approach. This means understanding the text based on the actual words in their ordinary, usual, and literal meaning. We should always start with the assumption that the text means what it says unless the context, related passages, or fundamental truths indicate otherwise.

This principle not only applies to the book of Revelation but to all of Scripture. Just as the prophecies of Jesus’ first coming were fulfilled literally, we should expect the same for future prophecies, such as those found in the book of Revelation.

Key #3: Understand Symbols with Literal References

Symbols abound in the book of Revelation, and they can be a stumbling block for many. However, take heart, for many times, the Bible itself provides a literal reference to these symbols. When you encounter symbols, look for a subsequent passage that defines or explains them. For instance, the seven stars in Revelation 1:16 are explicitly revealed as seven angels in Revelation 1:20.

Numbers also hold significance in the book of Revelation. Understand that numbers mentioned are often meant to be taken literally. For example, when the Bible speaks of a thousand-year millennial reign of Christ, it means a literal 1,000 years. Seek the literal interpretation of symbols and numbers to unravel the meaning of Revelation’s rich imagery.

Key #4: Interpret Scripture by Scripture

Interpreting the Bible in isolation can lead to misunderstandings. To gain a more profound understanding of any passage, especially prophecy, we must interpret Scripture by Scripture. This means that when you find a truth in the Bible, look for supporting truths in other parts of Scripture. The Bible does not contradict itself; it harmonizes across its various books and passages.

By comparing and contrasting related scriptures, you can build a more complete and accurate picture of the prophetic message. For instance, when studying the book of Revelation, examine related prophecies found in the Old and New Testaments to gain a comprehensive understanding.

Key #5: Distinguish Between Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Prophecies

In your study of the book of Revelation, always be mindful of distinguishing between prophecies that have already been fulfilled and those that are yet to be realized. Recognize that the Bible contains both fulfilled and unfulfilled prophecies. Understanding this distinction is vital for accurate interpretation.

As you read a particular prophecy, consider whether its specifics have already occurred in the past or if they remain unfulfilled. If elements of the prophecy have not yet been literally fulfilled, based on the biblical pattern of literal fulfillment, we should anticipate their future fulfillment.

Conclusion: Mysteries of the Book of Revelation Unfold . . .

In conclusion, my dear friends, the book of Revelation is a treasure trove of God’s divine revelations about the future. Approach it with humility, embrace literal interpretation, understand symbols with literal references, interpret Scripture by Scripture, and distinguish between fulfilled and unfulfilled prophecies. With these five keys, may your journey through the book of Revelation be a source of enlightenment, inspiration, and hope as you deepen your understanding of God’s eternal plan.

Remember, the Word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105). May your study of the book of Revelation illuminate your path and draw you closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Blessings and grace be upon you as you embark on this remarkable journey through the book of Revelation.

In His Service,

Guardians of Biblical Truth


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