Jesus-Says Blog

Hello, welcome to Guardians of Biblical Truth. We’re embarking on a study crucial for both new believers and seasoned Christians: “Four Tests to See if Your Faith Is Genuine.” This topic is essential because self-examination, as mandated by the Bible, is different from self-doubt or self-condemnation. It’s about ensuring our faith aligns with what’s expected of a
The doctrine of "once saved always saved" has sparked significant debate within Christian communities. Often, this concept is viewed through the lens of eternal security, suggesting that once a person has accepted Christ, their salvation is guaranteed regardless of future actions or behaviors. However, a closer . . .
In today’s Bible study, we delve into a topic that has recently gained attention in eschatological circles—the Partial Rapture view. This concept, while not widely accepted, raises important questions about the nature of the Rapture and its biblical foundation. Our goal is to unpack this view, examining its scriptural basis and . . .

L. A. Moeszinger


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Jesus-Says Blog


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