Jesus-Says Blog

Introduction to Eschatology: Navigating the End Times

As we embark on this profound journey into the realm of eschatology (also known as end times), I’m reminded of the words of the great evangelist, Billy Graham, who always emphasized the need for a heart that seeks to reach others in everything we do. In the study of end times, we find not a pathway to fear, but a roadmap to preparation, echoing the sentiment of Billy Graham’s teachings.

Eschatology: More Than Just Prophecy

Eschatology, often cloaked in mystery and speculation, is not merely about satisfying curiosity regarding the future. It’s about understanding our role in God’s grand narrative. As Billy Graham would often remind us, it’s not about the regurgitation of theological views but about grasping the urgency of the Gospel message in the light of eternity.

The Finish Line Perspective

Consider the analogy of a race with an undefined finish line. Runners, exerting every ounce of their energy, eventually lose focus and purpose. In a similar vein, eschatology provides us with a ‘finish line’—a definitive end point that motivates and directs our ministry. This is in line with John 9:4, urging us to work diligently for the night is coming when no one can work.

The Limited Window of Opportunity

Billy Graham often spoke of the fleeting nature of our time on earth. In the context of eschatology, this becomes even more poignant. Our time to work, to spread the Gospel, and to fulfill our calling is limited. Every person, every ministry has its ‘expiration date,’ and understanding this is crucial in maintaining focus and urgency in our mission.

Eschatology as a Motivational Tool

Throughout the millenniums, Bible prophecy was always seen as a tool for evangelism. Teachings on prophecy often drew the largest crowds, reflecting a universal curiosity and concern about the future. This interest provides a unique opportunity to share the Gospel, addressing the deep-seated anxieties about our world’s trajectory.

The Implications of Prophecy for Today

The unraveling of current world systems, as foretold in Bible prophecy, speaks directly to the condition of our world today. The rise of the Antichrist, as outlined in Revelation 13, and the establishment of a one-world order—one world leader, one world government, one world economic system, one world religion, and a one world military power to enforce the one world order—are not just future events but current warnings. They remind us of the transient nature of earthly kingdoms and the permanence of God’s kingdom.

The Backbone of Ministry: Holiness

A vital aspect that Billy Graham always stressed was the primacy of holiness in ministry, Psalm 84:11 reminds us that God bestows blessings on those who walk uprightly. The pursuit of holiness should be the underlying motivation in all aspects of ministry, especially in the teaching of eschatology. Without a heart set on holiness, our ministry risks losing its direction and purpose.

Learning from the Mistakes of Joshua

The story of Joshua in Joshua 7 provides a stark lesson. Israel’s defeat at Ai was a direct result of deviating from God’s command and the lack of prayer and dependence on God. In ministry, as in the case of Joshua, success can breed complacency. Regular, fervent prayer and reliance on God’s guidance are indispensable for a fruitful ministry.

The Role of Humility and Dependence on God

Humility is another cornerstone of effective ministry, as the Bible often highlights. James 4:10 teaches us the value of humility before God. In ministry, one must always maintain a posture of humility and total dependence on God, recognizing that true strength and wisdom come from Him.

Conclusion: The Bedrock of Ministry

As we delve deeper into eschatology, let us anchor our hearts and minds in these fundamental truths. The study of end times is not just about understanding future events but about shaping our present actions and attitudes. Holiness, humility, a deep engagement with the Bible, and a fervent prayer life are the non-negotiables for a ministry grounded in truth and geared towards the eternal finish line.

In the spirit of Billy Graham’s teachings, let us approach eschatology not just as a subject of intellectual interest but as a vital tool for evangelism, a reminder of our limited time, and an opportunity to align our lives and ministries with God’s ultimate plan.

In His Service,

Guardians of Biblical Truth


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