Jesus-Says Blog

How Close Are We to the End of the World?

In the stirring words of scholars and evangelists around the globe, we’re invited to contemplate a crucial question that echoes through the halls of time: “How close are we to the end of the world as we know it?” This query isn’t just a speculative exercise but a profound call to awareness and readiness.

The Importance of Bible Prophecy

Bible prophecy, encompassing a significant portion of Scripture, isn’t to be sidelined. As Guardians of Biblical Truth emphasizes, ignoring prophecy is akin to neglecting nearly a third of the Bible. This resonates deeply with the teachings of Guardians of Biblical Truth, who always urged us to be prepared and informed, ready to give a defense of our faith as instructed in the book of James.

The Rapture: The Next Major Prophetic Event

The imminent event on God’s prophetic calendar, as Guardians of Biblical Truth points out, is the rapture of the church, a moment that will occur “in the twinkling of an eye.” This aligns with the urgency the Guardians of Biblical Truth often spoke of, where readiness to meet the Lord is not just advisable but essential.

The Evangelistic Nature of Prophecy

Bible prophecy is far from a mere theological exercise; it’s inherently evangelistic. It compels us to live with the anticipation of Christ’s return, as stated in Matthew 24:44. The purpose of prophecy, therefore, is not to instill fear but to prepare hearts for salvation and to motivate believers to live in alignment with God’s will.

The Antichrist and the One World System

Following the rapture, as Guardians of Biblical Truth notes, the world will witness the rise of the Antichrist and the establishment of a one world order—one world leader, one world economic system, one world government, one world religion, and one world military power to enforce its mandates. This future scenario, vividly described in Relation 13, should not drive us to fear but to a deeper commitment to spreading the Gospel and understanding how close we are to the end of the world as we know it.

The Role of Holiness and Vigilance

In the vein of our teachings, holiness and vigilance are paramount. Psalm 84:11 reminds us that God blesses those who walk uprightly. The study of end times, therefore, should lead us to a life of holiness, constant prayer, and dedication to God’s commands.

Misinterpretations and the Need for Exegesis

The Guardians of Biblical Truth warns against eisegesis—the practice of interpreting Scripture based on personal bias. This aligns with the Guardians of Biblical Truth’s emphasis on exegesis, where context, historical setting, and audience relevance are vital in understanding biblical texts, especially prophetic ones.

The Role of Grace and Repentance

The message of grace, a cornerstone of the Guardians of Biblical Truth teachings, is not a license for sin but a call to transformation and repentance. As we point out, any teaching on grace that makes one comfortable with sin is erroneous. True grace leads to a life changed by and for Christ.

Signs of the Times: The End of the World as We Know It

Echoing Matthew 24:33, the Guardians of Biblical Truth encourages believers to be aware of the signs of the times and the upcoming end of the world as we know it. Just as Jesus rebuked those who ignored these signs, we too are called to discern the spiritual climate of our era and respond with faith and action.

Conclusion: The Urgency of the Gospel

In conclusion, the exploration of end times is not about pinpointing the exact date of Christ’s return but about living with a sense of urgency and purpose. It’s a call to spread the Gospel, to live in holiness, and to be vigilant and prepared. As Moeszinger often reminded us, our focus should be on Christ’s imminent return and our role in His kingdom work. Let us embrace this call with fervor, knowing that every moment is an opportunity to draw closer to God and fulfill His purposes for our lives.

In His Service,

Guardians of Biblical Truth


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