Jesus-Says Blog

The Chronology of End Times: A Biblical Perspective

In today’s insightful Bible study, we embark on a journey through Scripture to explore the chronology of end times, the urgency of readiness for Christ’s return, the role of technology in prophecy, and other critical questions about the last days. Drawing inspiration from the teachings of respected theologians across the globe, let’s delve into these topics with a focus on biblical accuracy and spiritual readiness.

Chronology of End Times: Rapture, Tribulation, and Christ’s Return

The sequence of end time events as described in Scripture begins with the Rapture, a moment when Christ comes for His church. This event marks the commencement of the Tribulation, a period of seven years of unprecedented turmoil on earth. Following this, we witness the Second Coming of Christ, where He returns with the church to establish His millennial reign. This sequence culminates in the final judgment and the ushering in of eternity. Understanding this chronology is crucial for interpreting the signs of the times and living in anticipation of these events.

Are You Ready to Meet the Lord?

In Matthew 24:44, Jesus emphasizes the need for readiness, as the exact hour of His return is unknown. This readiness isn’t merely a personal decision but a divine appointment orchestrated by God. The Bible cautions us in 2 Corinthians 5 about the urgency of salvation, emphasizing that ‘now is the accepted time’ for salvation. Thus urgency underscores the importance of responding promptly to God’s calling, as delaying this decision can have eternal consequences.

Technology as a Sign of the Last Days

The book of Daniel speaks of a dramatic increase in knowledge and technology in the last days, a theme further explored in the book of Revelation. John’s prophecies in Revelation 13 about a one-world government, leader, religion, monetary system, and military are increasingly plausible in our technologically advanced era. The concept of a global cashless society, once unimaginable, is now a reality, underscoring the prophetic accuracy of Scripture.

COVID-19 and the Mark of the Beast

It’s important to clarify that COVID-19, or any medical procedure, is not the mark of the beast. The Scriptures indicate that the mark of the beast will be unveiled after the Rapture, possibly during the latter half of the Tribulation. Current technological advancements, while not the mark, do demonstrate the feasibility of such a system as prophesied.

Post-Rapture: The Tribulation and Its Horrors

After the Rapture, the world will enter the Tribulation, a period described as terrifying and catastrophic. Pandemics, wars, and other calamities will occur, leading to widespread suffering and loss of life. The Bible, in passages like Matthew 7 and 2 Thessalonians 2, warns of the severe consequences for those who have rejected Christ prior to the Rapture.

Will the Antichrist be Known Before the Rapture?

In the chronology of end times, the Bible teaches that the identity of the Antichrist will not be revealed until after the Rapture. While he may already be present in some capacity, his full revelation will come when the restraining influence of the church is removed. This emphasizes the unpredictability of the Rapture and the necessity of living a life prepared for Christ’s return at any moment.

An Invitation to Salvation

Given the immense of these events, it is vital to examine one’s readiness to meet the Lord. Salvation involves recognizing one’s sinfulness, repenting, and receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It’s a transformative moment that aligns one’s life with God’s will and prepares them for the coming days.

Conclusion: Living in Expectation and Readiness

As we explore the chronology of end times topics herein, our focus should not be on fear, but on preparation and readiness. The Bible’s prophecies are unfolding, and our response should be one of faith, vigilance, and active sharing of the Gospel. Let this study be a catalyst for spiritual growth and a deeper commitment to living in anticipation of Christ’s return.

In His Service and with a heart full of hope,

Guardians of Biblical Truth


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